Mockup of an ebook and a paperback book of Be FINE which is a health and wellness book.

Be FINE Book Now Available

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Dr Lisa Leslie-Williams created Be FINE as a tool to make lifestyle your medicine, so that you don't have to make medicine your lifestyle. You'll learn how to make food and lifestyle choices that will empower versus defeat your wellness goals and fuel wellbeing instead of disease.


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Engaging, motivating, transparent, and informative are words I would use to describe "Be FINE". It was hard to put this book down once I started reading...not preachy or judgmental.


Be FINE! is an excellent resource to jump start or continue your health and wellness journey. Dr. Lisa Leslie-Williams shares inspiring personal stories combined with research and practical tips on how to shop, read labels, and use food as a tool for your wellness and health. It includes specific tips for tasks as well as ways to cut down on excess pollutants in your home. There is valuable information on vitamins and minerals and how best to acquire them, plus great ideas on how to get exercise and stay well-rested. The book is chock-full of ways to develop a healthy lifestyle and even includes many delicious recipes I can't wait to try!


Thank you for writing this very approachable book that explains why "whealthy" living is attainable and essential for our bodies.

Be FINE Jumpstart Guide ipad and iphone mockup.

Your complete wellness guide

Be FINE: Your Drug-Free Prescription to Age Well, Beat Bulge, and Stop Disease is the whole-body blueprint you need for glowing, radiant health!  Join Dr. Lisa Leslie-Williams—holistic wellness expert and media maven—as she takes you on a Caribbean-inspired journey of natural health using timeless principles interwoven with refreshing dinner-table candor, engaging story-telling, and thoughtful prompts designed to:

- Make your lifestyle your medicine
- Shatter generational illness
- Redefine aging
- Ignite your metabolism
- Boost immunity
- Identify and change health-limiting beliefs  
- Heal from within

There’s much more! The book offers a wealth of recipes, including Caribbean-inspired flavors, that are easy to make, healthy, and delicious. You’ll feel the shift while coming to the important realization that you have control over your health, aging, and outlook on life. Dr. Lisa shows you that the most qualified person to build your immunity, reverse aging, and slow your body’s deterioration, is you!